Wednesday, April 16, 2008


There's a new kid on the block in Israel policy. Organized to be a counter-weight to AIPAC, JStreet is backed by a lot of good people in the progressive Zionist sphere. I reserve judgment on them until I've heard more, but here's their pitch:

I thought you might be interested in this video from J Street, a new pro-peace, pro-Israel political voice:

And if you'd rather read a short message from J Street, check it out below.
For too long, uncompromising right-wing leaders have imposed their narrow definition of what it means to be "pro-Israel" on American policy, undermining long-term Israeli and American security interests while squashing real debate about America's foreign policy in the Middle East. It is high time that mainstream Americans fought back.

Fight back today with J Street, a new pro-peace, pro-Israel political movement dedicated to a new direction for American foreign policy in the Middle East:

Together, we will fight for the best interests of Americans, Israelis, and all residents of the Middle East by forcefully advocating for a truly pro-Israel policy. We will make our case both on Capitol Hill and in the media by seeking (1) a real American commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and (2) an American policy towards the Middle East based on working with allies and resolving conflicts through diplomacy. Sign up today:

Jeremy, Carinne, Joel, and Isaac
The J Street Team

P.S. If you're on Facebook, join our Facebook group here: